Our society tends to isolation, individualism and disconnection. Do you feel it in your heart, in your guts? Don’t you crave for true, deep and meaningful connection. With others, with nature, with yourself. There is now more than ever a need for reconnection. RECONNECTION. In all the senses of the word. To others, to nature and to your self. How to create this reality? Let’s explore that together!

I am Thomas. Living in Estonia for almost three years now. A COVID story, again, but a beautiful one this time. The changes that happened during the crisis have been highly beneficial for me. The growth that came out of the struggle was worth keeping the head out of water and being out there, building a better future.
Father of two, husband and human, I am engaged to my own self-consciousness as well as to the development of outer connections, projects and actions that make the world a better place (at least around me). For my children, my wife, for myself and my friends, my close community, I am committed to growth. That is when Fairgrow comes into place.
Genesis of Fairgrow
Fairgrow starts from a seed. Growing healthy minds, like growing healthy plants. All we need is fair-tility (and love). And as we move along the path of progress and achievements, we know how to slow down, we contemplate what we’ve done, who we are, and where we go. A beautiful wholeness in our self and in nature. That is the guiding star. Let’s go there together.

In the beginning of year 2022, in Estonia, something wonderful was going to happen. A new kind of garden, providing 90 different varieties of vegetables, aromatic herbs, medicinal plants and flowers. People from Tallinn and around where delighted to meet us. Our project has a name : Fairgreen. In parallel, Fairgrow is born as the twin brother of Fairgreen. Dedicated to share, teach and promote sustainable ways of growing food in Estonia. We organised workshops in Pikasilla Puhke- ja Koolitusmaja, as well as in Tallinna Botaanikaaed. People attended to learn about agroecology and meet like-minded people who walk on the same path towards resilient living and reconnection to nature. I write this in December 2022, as a summary and transformation of what has happened this year.
The mission, perspectives of resiliency
Fairgrow acts and move in the direction of a more connected and resilient future for our communities and territories. The action takes place in Estonia, where actors are gathering to create beautiful initiatives. With conscious people, growers, consumers, creators, we can manifest a reality of abundance, local economy and preservation of nature. Together we are one. “Connectedness” and “uniqueness” are keywords in our journey. And now that we know the “what” and the “why”, let’s focus on “how” to move things in that direction.
”I foresee rather the restoration of humanity to a sacred estate, bearing all the wholeness and harmony with nature of the hunter-gatherer time, but at a higher level of organization.
Charles EisensteinAuthor of Sacred Economics, Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition
Education, community and nature. We focus on the three of them to move towards this connected future that we all want. Education of everyone, kids and adults, teachers and students. Everyone learns, makes mistakes, gets up and improves, with time. A community, and communities, for a supportive network of people who have the same purpose: reconnection. Doing this with respect to nature, in the order of life, chaos and order, so we can fit in the bigger picture, and care about the thing that makes us alive, our wonderful planet.

Thank you for reading us! Give us feedback, participate in the talks and share with your community, so we can all move together to a more connected future.
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• Educative workshops about agroecology and resilient living.
• Organisation of farm visits, tours and community events.
• Contacts of local growers, producers, farmers who deliver in Estonian cities.
• Gardening tips, informational content, summaries of our blog articles.